Beyond Breathwork

Facilitator Training and Certification

The Holy Breath Method

Learn how to guide people through transformational healing experiences using The Holy Breath Method.

Embody Your Divinity


The Holy Breath Method Facilitator Training and Certification

Welcome to the HolyBreath Method- where the sacred meets the physical, and divinity resides within each breath.

The Holy Breath Method offers a unique and profound experience that integrates breathwork, somatics, and sound healing guiding you to embody your highest self.

God breathed life into you, and your breath is Holy.

Your Holy Breath is infused with codes of divinity to heal, awaken, and activate your sacred soul essence. This methodology is created to connect your humanity and divinity, thereby empowering you to live in your divine creator's perfection. Working with The Holy Breath Method is an initiation into deep self discovery and embodiment.

Your body is the vessel, and your breath is the pathway.

Your breath is a sacred gift, a divine connection between your mind, body, and soul. The Holy Breath Method uses intentional and purposeful breathing techniques and intuitive body movements to promote holistic healing and transformation. This certification program is designed to empower individuals to harness their breath as a potent tool for improving mental, physical, and emotional well-being on a soul level.

Hi, I’m Vaughn!

I am the Creatix of the Holy Breath Method. Around six years ago I received my own breathwork healing training and certification. That experience was life changing!

Over the years my work has evolved into something beyond breathwork. I have learned so much about the human body, energy, emotions, the mind, the SOUL and how it’s all connected.

I have witnessed magic and miracles beyond my comprehension while facilitating this methodology. And, for me personally doing this work has transformed my life, filling it with more love, joy, and abundance than I could have ever imagined. This work, works!

We are in a time of great transition. People are actively seeking alternative healing modalities, with Breathwork and somatic practices increasing by 40% search volume in the past year. It is time for change and change starts within. This is why I am so passionate about sharing The Holy Breath Method so everyone can have access to this profound self-healing modality.

Now is the time, I am ready to share what I have learned with you so you can go out and share it with your community. This is how we heal the world, one community at a time!

I am honored you are here even considering working with me on this level. Thank you!

Why Choose The Holy Breath Method

What to expect:

Learn and understand techniques to release stored trauma and promote full body healing through soul aligned practices.

Receive personal, transformational healing while better understanding HOW the body holds onto emotion, stuck energy and trauma.

Holistic approach to integrate body, mind, and spirit for comprehensive healing on a soul level.

Hands-on practice to ensure you are confident and capable to support, guide and lead others through transformational experiences.

Continued mentorship and support throughout your personal and business growth and development.

Structured to not only teach but to embody the practices, ensuring you can effectively guide others.

Here’s What the
Holy Breath Method Training Offers

you’ll experience

  • Comprehensive Training: Gain deep knowledge of breathwork, somatic practices(the body)and sound healing. Structured to not only teach but to embody the practices, ensuring you can effectively guide others.

  • Expansion of your healing abilities: Experience profound activations, as you help others unlock their magic, you will discover a new level of your own healing gifts.

  • Supportive Community: Benefit from ongoing support and the warmth of sisterhood from an intimate group of women who share your passion for healing and personal growth.

  • Personal Growth: Embody your divinity and unlock your full potential as a healer, teacher and guide for yourself and others.

  • Business Integration: Practical guidance on organizing and conducting lucatrive classes and retreat experiences and incorporating this framework into your exisisting business.

Here’s What’s Inside The Course

Week one

The Breath

Understand the power of the breath and how it works.

Week two

The Body

Discover how the body holds emotion and communicates through somatic expression.

Week three

The Nervous System

Learn the importance of working with nervous system regulation and techniques to create safety within as you delve into the depths of healing.

Week four

The Energy System

Explore energy, including the chakra system and masculine/feminine energies. Learn where and how energy is stored in the body and how to move it via the breath and somatic integration.

Week five

The Vibration of Sound

Discover the impact of sound healing through instruments, music, and voice. This includes a shamanic focus on drumming, rattles, chimes, and sound bowls. Learn the foundations of creating a soulfully guided playlist.

Week six

The Embodied Divine

Master the art of pulling it all together to create epic experiences for the mind, body, and soul, beginning with that first Holy Breath.

Give me the deets

Everything You Need to Know…

What’s Included:

  • 6 months of mentorship, training, healing, and in-person retreat immersion with Vaughn

  • Intimate curated experience, limited to 8 participants to receive the most individualized attention.

  • 6 weeks virtual training beginning week of Sept 16th 2024. These weeks will cover the educational components of breath, body, sound, and energy healing through a comprehensive scientific, spiritual, and mystical lens.

  • 4 nights, in-person retreat style healing and training immersion Nov. 6-10, held in GA, near Atlanta. These 4 nights and 5 days are an integral part of this healing and educational process of The Holy Breath Method facilitator training.

  • 3 months bi-weekly calls including integration and business development. Dec-Feb 2025. Think of this as your business mastermind and feel supported as you begin to serve your gifts and offerings like never before! I’ve been there before and I know how to support, lift, and cheer you on through the excitement, resistance, challenges, and celebrations!

Your Investment:$8,800

The Time Is Now!

For years people have been asking me to offer a certification training for breathwork. I wasn’t ready. I was still deep in my own self discovery, healing, and higher learning. What I am offering now, is beyond breathwork. The Holy Breath Method has been years in the making and now is the time! I am ready, so are you AND your community! Watch here to learn more.

The Holy Breath Method FAQs

  • This is a 6 month mentorship/training and certification with Vaughn Pierro in the healing arts of Breathwork and somatic practices.

    This training will teach you how to serve your community The Holy Breath Method offering transformational healing experiences.

    Starting the week of Sept 16-Oct 26 we will meet weekly via zoom (times TBD) with

    Nov 6-10 we will gather in GA, near Atlanta for the in-person immersion. This is a 4 night retreat style healing and training experience.

    December-February we will be virtual again every other week focusing on integration and business growth with full access to Vaughn as you begin offering your services.

    VIP option is available to attend The Arc Retreat (Feb 20-23) to learn first hand how to host and lead retreats while receiving in-service hours working along side  Vaughn directly. Ask about this option.

  • The in-person immersion is all-inclusive including room and board.  Travel to and from retreat location are your responsibility. This is  mandatory for this particular training experience as this is an important aspect of the healing, teaching and practice aspect of the training.

    What will be discussed on the bi-weekly calls Dec-Feb?

    During this time you will be encouraged to begin teaching and hosting private and or group experiences. The purpose of this time together is to focus on helping you grow your business in confidence.

  • Beacuse we will be a group no more than 8, we will find a time that works best for the collective.

  • Absolutely! If this is a full body soul yes, then we will make it work! You getting  this work out to your community is first and foremost and we will figure it out!

  • You will be able to begin teaching after the in-person immersion. We will use the next three months in support of your business growth and you will receive your certification after 20 in-service hours. If you choose the VIP Arc Retreat experience, you will receive your certification in-person ceremony. 

  • During this time you will be encouraged to begin teaching and hosting private and or group experiences. The purpose of this time together is to focus on helping you grow your business in confidence.

ready to get started?

Use the Holy Breath Method to Guide People Through Transformative Experiences.

Given the intimate nature of this experience, limited to just 8 participants, please fill out this form to express your interest and schedule a no-pressure conversation to determine if this opportunity is a good fit for you.